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Baggy Pants Baby!

If you have seen a skater in public, they were probably wearing baggy pants. Why do skaters wear these? My borther did a science experiment on this and I was a test  subject. We tried out different types of pants and I found out that I like Baggy pants the most. But Hudson, why do you like baggy pants? I like them because when you skateboard your shins have another layer or protection, so your board does not chop off your leg. Also, since they are baggy, the is air in them, so air can flow in and out keeping them cool. They also look stylish (in my opinion). Thank you.

Published in6th Grade


  1. 29liamp


  2. 29brandonb

    I think you look good in baggy pants.

    • 29hudsonc

      Thank you

  3. 29arjunp

    This is a very good explanation on baggy pants, and I understand why you where them now.

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